here they are crashed on the couch. in this kind of heat they'd much rather hang out here in the air conditioned living room than outside in the smoldering hot backyard!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
albert sunning himself
Friday, July 4, 2008
and just so stella doesn't get jealous...
This is Stella getting out of the water on our canoe trip. That's our friends son Tavish...he got so excited whenever a dog went into the water.
canoe trip
Albert went on his very first canoe trip last weekend!! we were a bit nervous, as we had no idea how he would react to water, the canoe, wearing a lifejacket, sleeping in a tent, and hanging out around a camp fire surrounded by a million good smells.
He was amazing!!!
Arthur and Stella are great camping dogs, but Albert blew us away! He stayed on leash the entire weekend and didn't make a peep, he loved sleeping in the tent, and as it turns out...he isn't afraid of water and actually did a little swimming when Adam put him in.
Have I mentioned lately how awesome Albert is???
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
meet sweet alice!!!
isn't she the sweetest thing you've ever seen? this little beauty is our newest rescue beagle!! i fell in love with her the second i saw this picture...but then i heard about her emergency dental surgery and loved her even more. this little lady had...are you ready...THIRTY FIVE teeth removed. she has 5 left. but now she's pain and infection free...and hey, she'll get to scarf down Merrick's amazing wet doggie food for the rest of her days!
i never get sick of helping rescue beagles...ever. and i never get tired of the stories we hear from foster parents who experience exactly what my family did when we fostered Albert. it's always amazing for me to hear the same things again and again "she/he is like a new dog", "they are the best pet we've ever had", "we can't believe how much she/he has changed".
if you've never thought about fostering, you should! it's a really amazing experience.
Monday, June 23, 2008
this is arthur at the park on saturday. he was really hot. check out that tongue!
also wanted to mention that i have added google ads to my blog. if you click on the ads all ad revenues will be donated to Big on Beagles!!!
also wanted to mention that i have added google ads to my blog. if you click on the ads all ad revenues will be donated to Big on Beagles!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008
howling beagles - explained!
a few people have written to ask me how i got the beagles to howl. i have to say, our 3 guys are usually really quite, and never howl unless encouraged by us.
my very first beagle sarah (back when i was about 15) would howl if she got really, really excited and only if i would howl at her first. it was a great party trick to get her going in a singsong of sweet beagle howls.
so when we got stella we tried to make her howl. she wouldn't...until one day we were on a canoe trip, and my husband and i jumped into the water to go swimming without her. she started baying and howling and we could tell it was out of sadness that we were in the water and she wasn't. so we took that theory and tried it out with other asking her where auntie or uncle so and so were (our beagles know everyone based on their names. so, for example, if we say "where's auntie allee" they will run around the house looking for her, and when they don't see her they will start to howl).
if they don't particularly like someone, they won't howl. and that's how we got them going in the video i posted.
we always use "where's uncle matt" because they *love* their uncle matt and that makes them howl non-stop!
my very first beagle sarah (back when i was about 15) would howl if she got really, really excited and only if i would howl at her first. it was a great party trick to get her going in a singsong of sweet beagle howls.
so when we got stella we tried to make her howl. she wouldn't...until one day we were on a canoe trip, and my husband and i jumped into the water to go swimming without her. she started baying and howling and we could tell it was out of sadness that we were in the water and she wasn't. so we took that theory and tried it out with other asking her where auntie or uncle so and so were (our beagles know everyone based on their names. so, for example, if we say "where's auntie allee" they will run around the house looking for her, and when they don't see her they will start to howl).
if they don't particularly like someone, they won't howl. and that's how we got them going in the video i posted.
we always use "where's uncle matt" because they *love* their uncle matt and that makes them howl non-stop!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
howling beagles
is there anything cuter than 3 howling beagles? didn't think so. featuring stella, albert and arthur:
Thursday, June 12, 2008
the power of dog rescues

This is Rosie and she is the 65th beagle that Big on Beagles has rescued over the past five years. Rosie wasn't in very good shape when the shelter she found herself in called us. In fact, the shelter was pretty sure that she was a lost cause given her extreme skinniness, an obvious skin condition, and the lack of resources at the shelter to further investigate what could be the issue.
But we took one look at little Rosie's face and we saw a sad little girl who'd had a pretty shitty life...and we knew in our hearts that she deserved a second chance. So we made the arrangements to get her to Toronto, and our vet's spared no expense giving her the tests and surgery required to properly treat her.
Rosie had blood tests, exploratory surgery to take samples from her various organs, and a spay procedure. And, most importantly, we found her an amazingly loving foster home where she is receiving a high quality diet, love and affection galore, and companionship with another doggie.
I just about fell over when I saw the photos her foster mom sent us yesterday...because look at the difference in a few short weeks!!!!

Her skin is clearing up, she has a sparkle in her eye...and now she has her second chance at a great life!!!
It gives me nightmares when I think about all of the dogs that aren't as lucky as Rosie.
Monday, June 9, 2008
woofstock was amazing!
We had such a blast at Woofstock this weekend!! So many people stopped by the Big on Beagles booth on Saturday, and on Sunday we had the biggest group of dogs and their humans in front of our tent! More than any other breed! We're pretty sure the other dogs were super jealous that so many beagles made it out to walk in the K9 Rescue Me Walk...even if it was 32 degrees out at 11am!
A HUGE thank you to all of our supporters who came out and helped raise money for us. Our friends at K9 Rescue Me are still counting the donations, but we've heard that our supporters stepped up and that we've raised a good amount of money to help our howlers in need. And just in the nick of time too...we've drained the bank account over the past couple of months helping out so many dogs in need. Clark, Nicholas, Cooper, Hazel, Maggie P...the list goes on. And the calls don't stop. Thanks to our amazing supporters, we're in a position to continue saving beagle lives.
Being in the rescue village all weekend I had some time to think. I'm all about the beagles of course, but looking around at all of the other rescues it really hit home that there are thousands of dogs that need help. All of the breed specific rescues are doing exactly what we are doing...trying to save the lives of dogs that have been cast aside, abused, neglected, abandoned...
So a huge thank you to ALL of the rescue supporters that came out to help out their rescue of choice. Because of you so many dogs will be helped.
Friday, June 6, 2008
woofstock tomorrow!!
we're putting the final touches on the big on beagles booth for woofstock tomorrow! erica and i will be at the big on beagles tent all day, so stop by with your howler and say hi!
sunday is the k9 rescue me walk-a-thon where we'll all leash up our dogs in the name of raising money for a very worthy cause...our dog rescue of choice!
can't make the walk? you can make a tax deductible donation by clicking here (make sure that you designate big on beagles as the rescue so the funds are directed to us!).
i'll leave you with a picture of albert and his dad. they're awfully exhausted from all of the woofstock excitement!!!
sunday is the k9 rescue me walk-a-thon where we'll all leash up our dogs in the name of raising money for a very worthy cause...our dog rescue of choice!
can't make the walk? you can make a tax deductible donation by clicking here (make sure that you designate big on beagles as the rescue so the funds are directed to us!).
i'll leave you with a picture of albert and his dad. they're awfully exhausted from all of the woofstock excitement!!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
life takes over!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
beagle meetup this saturday!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008 at 2:00 PM 20080510T180000Z
Ashbridges Bay Park
1681 Lakeshore Blvd. E.
Toronto , ON M4L 3W6
We're gearing up for one of our most important fundraising events of the year --- The K9 Rescue Me Walk-a-thon at WOOFSTOCK on Sunday, June 8th! So, let's get our beagles limbered up for the BIG WALK with a pre-Woofstock Workout on May 10th!
For the Love of Beagles, Baby!!! Not only will YOUR beagle have fun at every meetup, but you'll have an opportunity to help other not-so-fortunate beagles at the same time! What could be better than that?!!
How to find the organizer(s)
"We'll be meeting beside the parking lot next to the Burger Joint & Pub off Lakeshore in the Beaches! As always, we'll be wearing our signature RED!!! And if that's not enough for you to find us, we'll make sure the beagles HOWL you in our direction!"
--Marna Gale of BIG ON BEAGLES
Saturday, May 10, 2008 at 2:00 PM 20080510T180000Z
Ashbridges Bay Park
1681 Lakeshore Blvd. E.
Toronto , ON M4L 3W6
We're gearing up for one of our most important fundraising events of the year --- The K9 Rescue Me Walk-a-thon at WOOFSTOCK on Sunday, June 8th! So, let's get our beagles limbered up for the BIG WALK with a pre-Woofstock Workout on May 10th!
For the Love of Beagles, Baby!!! Not only will YOUR beagle have fun at every meetup, but you'll have an opportunity to help other not-so-fortunate beagles at the same time! What could be better than that?!!
How to find the organizer(s)
"We'll be meeting beside the parking lot next to the Burger Joint & Pub off Lakeshore in the Beaches! As always, we'll be wearing our signature RED!!! And if that's not enough for you to find us, we'll make sure the beagles HOWL you in our direction!"
--Marna Gale of BIG ON BEAGLES
we're back!

Albert, Arthur and Stella are all alive and well!! Despite the lack of posting here due to an insane work schedule, the beagles are doing really well and continue to make our lives far richer and significantly funnier than if we were beagle free.
I am also getting back into my work with Big on Beagles. We'll be participating in the K9 Rescue Me walk during Woofstock in June, I'm going to start working on a Bowling for Beagles fundraiser, and have loads of other ideas up my sleeve. We've rescued 5 beagles in the last month and a bit, and the medical costs for those dogs really adds up! But that's why we exist and the beagles we have saved are all amazing dogs who deserve a second chance!!!
I'll be updating regularly again, but for now I will leave you with this little snapshot of our Sunday afternoon...Albert at our favorite local patio (and Arthurs wiggly bum off to the side!)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
we'll be back soon! i swear!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
a pair of tri's
Life is extremely busy right now! So much so, that I haven't even updated about the beagle meetup last weekend! Vada's party was excellent - SO many dogs came out to Urban Dog!! We all had a blast...especially little Vada who was running around like a puppy and enjoying every second. Plus we raised $1,500 to assist with Vada's medical costs...and THAT was the best part!
We took it easy this past weekend. There wasn't much of a choice for us since 30 cm of snow dumped down on us over Friday and Saturday! Yesterday's walk was very funny...three beagles trying to burrow under the snow piles, and me trying not to fall down!
But this was the best part...snuggling on the couch...look at the cute beagles boys!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
saturday morning
The beagles sure now how to kick back and relax! Albert has been laying like this for over 2 hours! They are getting all of their rest in today, because tomorrow is the beagle meetup at Urban Dog in honour of our lovely rescue girl Vada!! Vada is making a special appearance, and from what I understand, there will be a whole whack of beagles in attendance. I'm very happy that this meetup is's been FREEZING here this week.
Someone asked me how Albert's house training has been coming along (those of you who've been reading the blog for awhile will remember that he was completely untrained...including house training!)
The answer is that he's doing fantastic! He's at about 98% reliability...and actually, I can't remember the last time he pee'd in the house. He's the kind of guy that has to go when he has to go...but he does let us know and has started to run towards the back door to let us know. We've really tuned into his signals, so that helps.
How did we do it? Consistency and patience. After Albert had his dental surgery (remember? 7 teeth removed!!) his training really turned around for him. We think his teeth were causing him a lot of distress, and once they were fixed he was very focused and eager to learn. Arthur and Stella help out a lot too...Albert's really picked up on their signals.
And to think this poor guy was on death row! A little time and energy and he's pretty close to the perfect dog!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
i've not abandoned the blog!!!
Apologies all over the place for my lack of posting! I work for the largest documentary film festival in North America and this is our busiest time of the year. I'm SWAMPED at work! But that doesn't mean the beagles take a back seat! It means, sadly, that the blog does! I have also been developing a brand new website for Big on Beagles, and that has taken up a lot of my spare time. It isn't totally finished, but you can visit us here!
Albert, Arthur and Stella are doing amazingly well. Albert gets more confident, more snuggly and more bossy every single day! He can turn crusty old Stella into a fiesty puppy within seconds, and he and Arthur are best brothers.
The big reminder is for the Beagle Meetup this Sunday!! Given the frigid temperatures in Toronto over the past couple of days, I'm thrilled that this meetup will be indoors at Urban Dog. Details are below...along with a cute photo of Albert sleeping on his 2 bones. He's a total bone-a-holic!!!

WHEN: Sunday, March 2nd, 2008 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm
MEET-UP SPOT: UrbanDog Fitness & Spa!
We're taking it INDOORS this time! Pawing up the volume for Vada at UrbanDog Fitness & Spa! We're asking our members to make a special contribution to help us with Vada's medical costs. Thanks to two dear friends of BIG ON BEAGLES, the rental cost for the play room that day has been completely covered! That means EVERY dollar we receive can go directly to Vada's care! We cannot thank these two individuals enough for their generosity and kindness. On behalf of little Vada, it's appreciated more than you'll ever know! But then again, if Vada is able to attend this party in her honour, she'll make sure you know by covering you with a gazillion kisses!
Come One, Come All and Have a Beagle Ball...for Vada!!!
Albert, Arthur and Stella are doing amazingly well. Albert gets more confident, more snuggly and more bossy every single day! He can turn crusty old Stella into a fiesty puppy within seconds, and he and Arthur are best brothers.
The big reminder is for the Beagle Meetup this Sunday!! Given the frigid temperatures in Toronto over the past couple of days, I'm thrilled that this meetup will be indoors at Urban Dog. Details are below...along with a cute photo of Albert sleeping on his 2 bones. He's a total bone-a-holic!!!
WHEN: Sunday, March 2nd, 2008 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm
MEET-UP SPOT: UrbanDog Fitness & Spa!
We're taking it INDOORS this time! Pawing up the volume for Vada at UrbanDog Fitness & Spa! We're asking our members to make a special contribution to help us with Vada's medical costs. Thanks to two dear friends of BIG ON BEAGLES, the rental cost for the play room that day has been completely covered! That means EVERY dollar we receive can go directly to Vada's care! We cannot thank these two individuals enough for their generosity and kindness. On behalf of little Vada, it's appreciated more than you'll ever know! But then again, if Vada is able to attend this party in her honour, she'll make sure you know by covering you with a gazillion kisses!
Come One, Come All and Have a Beagle Ball...for Vada!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
cute overload!
more media! marna was quoted in the globe!!

Have no fear, underdog is here
From Friday's Globe and Mail
February 15, 2008 at 9:08 AM EST
In the dog world, it was Rocky Balboa going the distance against Apollo Creed, Henry V triumphing at Agincourt, and the Giants beating the Patriots - all rolled into one.
When a beagle named Uno became the first of his breed to win the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in its 132-year history, the normally genteel crowd went nuts.
"We have never had a reaction like this," said USA Network announcer David Frei, who's done wag-by-wag commentary on the show for 18 years, as the audience gave Uno a standing ovation. The humble beagle's victory over perfectly coiffed poodles this week reverberated far beyond the usual wet-nose crowd.
It marked a triumph for the underdog, the rise of a four-legged people's champion, and perhaps a permanent shift in the dog show world.
"It's the greatest thing that could have happened to the Westminster Kennel Club," Mr. Frei told the Today show, before taking Uno to meet Martha Stewart (who even allowed the charming canine to walk on her countertop). "These are real dogs and real people, and what more of a real dog can you have than a beagle?"
Beagle breeder and handler Allison Foley of Nova Scotia wholeheartedly agrees.
"A lot of [past] winners have been these big, hairy, glamorous breeds," she explained. "With the beagle being best in show, people may say, 'Wow, just a plain old dog can be best in show.' "
And as we humans can't resist projecting our own dreams and desires onto our furry friends, Uno's win gives hope to everyone who's ever felt ordinary compared with those "fancy, pretty" types.
Ms. Foley enjoyed secondhand celebrity at Westminster. Her 15-inch beagle, Ella, won a merit award at the New York show, while 13-inch beagle Lil Ed won best of breed. Everywhere she went with her beagles, she said, people would ask, "Is that Uno?"
Dogs in Canada editor-in-chief Kelly Caldwell said even though the sprightly beagle quickly captured the crowd's heart, his victory was far from certain: Not only had a beagle never won Westminster, no beagle had won its group there since 1928 - in dog years, that's a 560-year losing streak.
Ms. Caldwell, who attended the show in New York, heard that bookies were calling this the year of the poodle, while others said the Sealyham terrier was a lock after winning the American Kennel Club/Eukanuba show. But the beagle outshone them all.
"Every time that dog barked the crowd responded," she said. "I've never seen a crowd cheer on a dog like that."
In the past, Westminster wins have spurred public interest in little-known breeds, such as the Kerry blue terrier, which won in 2003, or the papillon in 1999. But because beagles are already a popular pet, they probably won't experience a similar boost from Uno's fame. The beagle ranks 11th in popularity according to the Canadian Kennel Club and scratches its way up to fifth in the American Kennel Club rankings.
From Snoopy to Underdog, beagles are no stranger to the spotlight. They're favourites in Hollywood - and unfortunately for them, among medical researchers - because of their docile nature and their willingness to do anything for food. Though they can be stubborn, their sweet temperament makes them great pets - and it doesn't hurt that they're doggone adorable.
Marna Gale, who runs a rescue organization called Big on Beagles in Toronto, said she hopes Uno's newfound fame makes it easier to find good homes for the 10 dogs she now has in foster homes, some of whom have special medical needs.
"I think it's wonderful. It's a furry feather in our cap," she said. Of course, she predicted, "the poodle people will have their noses out of joint."
Her beagles at home watched Uno win best his group on television, and they seemed pleased but not surprised - beagles generally don't lack for self-esteem, she said. "They are stars in their own minds."
uno's half sister lives in burlington!!

(thanx to geekboy for sending the article!)
Burlington's Lucy shares famous beagle blood
February 15, 2008
Rob Faulkner
The Hamilton Spectator
(Feb 15, 2008)
"He's the most perfect beagle I've ever seen," judge J. Donald Jones gushed about Uno, top dog at the world's top dog show this week.
And with that, the 132-year-old Westminster Kennel Club handed a first-ever win to a breed known for its nose, not its dainty demeanour.
Talk shows booked Uno. Restaurants welcomed him.
Life's different for Uno's younger half sister. Lucy lives half a world away, in an artsy Burlington home.
Lucy used to jog with owner Gene Quondamatteo but she'd stop and sniff too often. She chews Lego if kids Julianna, 5, J.J., 8, and Olivia, 10, leave it out.
Lucy runs away if she catches a scent, won't always do the leave-the-treat-there trick, and won't bay to music as beagles do on TV.
As Uno eats lunch at the famed Times Square restaurant Sardi's, Lucy's been known to eat, well, from the garbage can.
"The kids are going crazy, saying, 'Our dog is famous, our dog is famous,'" smiles mom Lisa Quondamatteo, who began searching a couple years ago for a family pet.
They met Ayton, Ont., breeder Tracy Cartwright near Walkerton. They paid $700 for a 14-week-old pup and brought home a dog whose dad won a show or two, they heard.
Little did they know, until this week, that Lucy (formally, Trajam A Mighty Wind) was sired by famed show dog Parker (Windkist A Walk in the Park), who also sired famed Uno (Ch. K-Run's Park Me in First.)
Lucy's owners are not dog show people, just pet owners who named her after the Beatles' Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
Much has been made of Uno's win: the unprecedented crowd reactions, the victory for the underdog beagle breed, the adulation.
Gene feels he got a bargain.
"I should put her on eBay now."
And yes, Lucy, he's just joking.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
and now back to my regularly scheduled happy blog!
After Uno's win yesterday, Marna received a frenzy of media action wanting to talk beagle with her. Which is, of course, amazing!! The media chose our rescue as the authority on everything beagle! What a great opportunity for us to educate people on the breed, on animal rescue...and on how freaking awesome beagles are!
B.O.B is making a second appearance on Animal Housecalls next Tuesday too (I'll post details soon)!! We'll be featuring our lovely Vada - the newest addition to the B.O.B. family and the subject of our very special meetup on Sunday, March 2nd at Urban Dog here in Toronto.
I have been crafting a very special blog post about Vada that I will post in the next few days. She is such a beautiful dog, and we're overwhelmed by the support she has received already...just wait until you hear more about her!!
I'm also in desperate need of posting an Albert update!!!
Albert is, of course, our special little guy! He has metamorphasized from the scared, sad little boy we met hiding under a table at an animal shelter into a full-on beagle prince who adores his beagle siblings and humans equally. We actually don't remember a time without him :)
Look (this was taken this morning as I was running out the door to work)!!
B.O.B is making a second appearance on Animal Housecalls next Tuesday too (I'll post details soon)!! We'll be featuring our lovely Vada - the newest addition to the B.O.B. family and the subject of our very special meetup on Sunday, March 2nd at Urban Dog here in Toronto.
I have been crafting a very special blog post about Vada that I will post in the next few days. She is such a beautiful dog, and we're overwhelmed by the support she has received already...just wait until you hear more about her!!
I'm also in desperate need of posting an Albert update!!!
Albert is, of course, our special little guy! He has metamorphasized from the scared, sad little boy we met hiding under a table at an animal shelter into a full-on beagle prince who adores his beagle siblings and humans equally. We actually don't remember a time without him :)
Look (this was taken this morning as I was running out the door to work)!!

we can't all be uno
Don't get me wrong...I LOVE that a beagle won Westminster! But I have very mixed feelings about dog shows at the best of times, and this is no different.
I'm not really that into the notion of the "perfect" dog, and I really loathe the primping, pruning, shaving, cutting and other nonsense that goes into these spectacles. So when a dog like a beagle wins it really is refreshing (not that Uno didn't go through the same primping and pruning as the poodles and afghans because he definitely did!)
Uno's win resonated with me, because it's obvious that his personality played a huge role in his victory - the crowds at Madison Square Gardens went crazy for Uno and his beagle howl! Aside from being a beautiful boy physically, he is obviously personality plus. But then again, so are ALL beagles.
When you are in the beagle rescue business the Uno's of the world are few and far between. And my concern is that sweet little Uno is going to spark a beagle breeding frenzy. Pet stores will want to "stock" beagles to make a buck, backyard breeders will be doing anything possible to spawn as many beagle pups as they can to capitalize on the Uno-mania.
And us here at Big on Beagles? We'll be doing what we've always done. Marna will continue to receive emails like the one she got a few days ago about "a bunch of beagles" in a shelter in Montreal that will be killed because they've been abandoned and a home can't be found for them. We're talking perfectly healthy, young, friendly beagles being killed for no good reason.
We will continue to be here for the beagles that are abandoned after the Uno craze is long forgotten. The Albert's, the Vada's, the Darwin's, the Violet's, the Quince's...the list goes on. You can see the list rescue beagles that need a home here in fact!
I try to keep this blog lighthearted and fun. I don't like to focus on the sadness that is inherent in volunteering with a dog rescue. But the reality is that the work Big on Beagles does is very, very sad. Abused, abandoned, sick, sad dogs are not lighthearted and fun. And rescuing these beagles is hard work, that costs a lot of money, takes the love and compassion of a small army of foster parents and supporters and has little to no fanfare.
As far as I'm concerned, Marna should be receiving a "Best in Show" ribbon alongside Uno.
Marna, Erica and all of us loyal Big on Beagle volunteers do what we do because it makes a difference to a breed of dog we adore (and a breed that is very misunderstood).
And I hope that we can use Uno's victory to help educate people about responsible pet ownership, the work of dog rescues like B.O.B (and many, many others) and the realities of the dog breeding industry.
Because THAT is what really, really matters.
I'm not really that into the notion of the "perfect" dog, and I really loathe the primping, pruning, shaving, cutting and other nonsense that goes into these spectacles. So when a dog like a beagle wins it really is refreshing (not that Uno didn't go through the same primping and pruning as the poodles and afghans because he definitely did!)
Uno's win resonated with me, because it's obvious that his personality played a huge role in his victory - the crowds at Madison Square Gardens went crazy for Uno and his beagle howl! Aside from being a beautiful boy physically, he is obviously personality plus. But then again, so are ALL beagles.
When you are in the beagle rescue business the Uno's of the world are few and far between. And my concern is that sweet little Uno is going to spark a beagle breeding frenzy. Pet stores will want to "stock" beagles to make a buck, backyard breeders will be doing anything possible to spawn as many beagle pups as they can to capitalize on the Uno-mania.
And us here at Big on Beagles? We'll be doing what we've always done. Marna will continue to receive emails like the one she got a few days ago about "a bunch of beagles" in a shelter in Montreal that will be killed because they've been abandoned and a home can't be found for them. We're talking perfectly healthy, young, friendly beagles being killed for no good reason.
We will continue to be here for the beagles that are abandoned after the Uno craze is long forgotten. The Albert's, the Vada's, the Darwin's, the Violet's, the Quince's...the list goes on. You can see the list rescue beagles that need a home here in fact!
I try to keep this blog lighthearted and fun. I don't like to focus on the sadness that is inherent in volunteering with a dog rescue. But the reality is that the work Big on Beagles does is very, very sad. Abused, abandoned, sick, sad dogs are not lighthearted and fun. And rescuing these beagles is hard work, that costs a lot of money, takes the love and compassion of a small army of foster parents and supporters and has little to no fanfare.
As far as I'm concerned, Marna should be receiving a "Best in Show" ribbon alongside Uno.
Marna, Erica and all of us loyal Big on Beagle volunteers do what we do because it makes a difference to a breed of dog we adore (and a breed that is very misunderstood).
And I hope that we can use Uno's victory to help educate people about responsible pet ownership, the work of dog rescues like B.O.B (and many, many others) and the realities of the dog breeding industry.
Because THAT is what really, really matters.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Uno's Victory is Repeated TODAY!!
If you missed Uno the Beagle's big score, you can watch it again tonight at 16:00 on OLN (if you are in Ontario).
Thx for the tip geekboy (and fellow beagle parent!!)
Thx for the tip geekboy (and fellow beagle parent!!)
uno won best in show!!!
Our favorite celeb-beagle Uno made history yesterday by being the first beagle to be crowned best in show at Westminster!!! We knew he was destined for the crown! Finally, a solid, handsome, rugged beagle sweeps the show! Who need flouncy Afghans and Poodles? Not me!! Apparently the crowd went wild when Uno won too! I know that Albert, Arthur and Stella were very excited to hear the news too - they groaned and rolled over on the couch :)
Here's the article!!
Beagle named Best in Show at Westminster
11:26 PM EST, February 12, 2008
Snoopy fans, rejoice.
At Madison Square Garden last night, Westminster Best in Show judge J. Donald Jones made history by giving the gargantuan purple-and-gold ribbon to a beagle called Uno (Champion K-Run's Park Me In First to you).
"We just knew he was going to be number one," said handler Aaron Wilkerson about Uno's prescient name, and as he remarked that the dog's favorite toy is a stuffed yellow duck.
The feisty hound's singular names are fitting, as this was the first time a beagle has won top honors in the Westminster show's 132-year history.
It was also only the third time that a hound has won at the Garden, the previous two victors being Afghan hounds.
The No. 6 dog in the country last year, the 15-inch beagle bayed enthusiastically at Wilkerson as a crowd peppered with equally vocal fans screamed its approval. It was a display of approbation that commentator David Frei noted was the most enthusiastic he had ever heard, complete with standing ovation.
The seven-dog Best in Show lineup included Monday's other winners -- a standard poodle called Remy (Champion Brighton Minimoto), a Sealyham terrier dubbed Charmin (Champion Efbe's Hidalgo at Goodspice) and an Australian shepherd who answers to Deuce (Champion Vinelake Collinswood Yablon).
The dog to beat last night was toy poodle Vikki (Champion Smash JP Win A Victory), the nation's top dog. Eating close to a half-pound of steak is the only way Vikki relaxes in the ring, said handler Kaz Hosaka. After reprising last year's Toy group win, the 7-pounder returns to her native Japan, to stay for good.
Earlier in the evening, Sporting group judge Elliott Weiss validated the thundering applause of the audience and pointed to Champion Colsidex Seabreeze Perfect Fit, a Weimaraner nicknamed Marge. "She looks like she could be the perfect athlete," said Weiss of the gray lady, whose 50s-sitcom of a nickname belied her sleek form.
In the Working group, judge Constance Barton did the expected, giving the nod to Macey (Champion Redwitch Reason To Believe). The English-bred Akita, the nation's No. 2 dog, won the group here last year, and is owned by Long Island real-estate developer Roger Rechler.
Here's the article!!
Beagle named Best in Show at Westminster
11:26 PM EST, February 12, 2008
Snoopy fans, rejoice.
At Madison Square Garden last night, Westminster Best in Show judge J. Donald Jones made history by giving the gargantuan purple-and-gold ribbon to a beagle called Uno (Champion K-Run's Park Me In First to you).
"We just knew he was going to be number one," said handler Aaron Wilkerson about Uno's prescient name, and as he remarked that the dog's favorite toy is a stuffed yellow duck.
The feisty hound's singular names are fitting, as this was the first time a beagle has won top honors in the Westminster show's 132-year history.
It was also only the third time that a hound has won at the Garden, the previous two victors being Afghan hounds.
The No. 6 dog in the country last year, the 15-inch beagle bayed enthusiastically at Wilkerson as a crowd peppered with equally vocal fans screamed its approval. It was a display of approbation that commentator David Frei noted was the most enthusiastic he had ever heard, complete with standing ovation.
The seven-dog Best in Show lineup included Monday's other winners -- a standard poodle called Remy (Champion Brighton Minimoto), a Sealyham terrier dubbed Charmin (Champion Efbe's Hidalgo at Goodspice) and an Australian shepherd who answers to Deuce (Champion Vinelake Collinswood Yablon).
The dog to beat last night was toy poodle Vikki (Champion Smash JP Win A Victory), the nation's top dog. Eating close to a half-pound of steak is the only way Vikki relaxes in the ring, said handler Kaz Hosaka. After reprising last year's Toy group win, the 7-pounder returns to her native Japan, to stay for good.
Earlier in the evening, Sporting group judge Elliott Weiss validated the thundering applause of the audience and pointed to Champion Colsidex Seabreeze Perfect Fit, a Weimaraner nicknamed Marge. "She looks like she could be the perfect athlete," said Weiss of the gray lady, whose 50s-sitcom of a nickname belied her sleek form.
In the Working group, judge Constance Barton did the expected, giving the nod to Macey (Champion Redwitch Reason To Believe). The English-bred Akita, the nation's No. 2 dog, won the group here last year, and is owned by Long Island real-estate developer Roger Rechler.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
uno the beagle is kicking ass at westminster!!!
Uno the beagle wins early at Westminster
By BEN WALKER, AP National Writer
Mon Feb 11, 3:35 PM ET
NEW YORK - Barking and baying, a precocious beagle called Uno took his first winning steps at Westminster. Uno easily took the best of breed Monday at America's No. 1 dog show, bounding around the ring and trying to grab the lead out of handler Aaron Wilkerson's hand.
"Snoopy would be proud," Wilkerson said.
A perfectly trimmed toy poodle, a top Sealyham terrier and prize-winning Akita were among the 2,627 entries. The dogs came in 169 breeds and varieties, and there were four newly sanctioned types — the Tibetan mastiff, Beauceron, Swedish vallhund and Plott.
Tri-colored and nearly 3, Uno moved into Monday night's judging in the hound group. While best in show will be presented Tuesday night, the playful 15-inch beagle certainly earned one title at Madison Square Garden: noisiest in show.
Uno sounded off every chance he got and clearly became the early crowd favorite, wagging his white-tipped tail and taking a flying leap at one of Wilkerson's cooked pork loin treats.
"He was being his merry little hound self," Wilkerson said.
While the movie "Underdog" was a big winner last year, a beagle is always a long shot on the Garden's green carpet.
The best in show award has been presented 100 times by the Westminster Kennel Club and a beagle has never won. Part of the problem is the breed's engaging, friendly nature.
"Great show dogs often have an air about them. It's like this is their world and we're just living in it," Westminster TV host David Frei said. "But beagles want to be in our world."
They also have another disadvantage: They're far from the fancy-cut, froufrou dogs that often win.
"To some, a beagle may not look as spectacular as the Afghan hound, flying around the ring with all that hair," Frei said.
With pleading, golden-brown eyes and plenty of tail-wagging personality, Uno could break out of the Westminster doghouse. No beagle has even won the hound group since 1939.
"To have the general public see an average dog going and competing and actually winning would send a signal that everyone can do it," said Eddie Dziuk, one of Uno's co-owners.
Uno came with his favorite stuffed frog toy and the fluffy pillow he sleeps on, the one with a Hollywood star. His official name is K-Run's Park Me in First, and he bested 12 other entries in the 15-inch category.
Beagles also come in the 13-inch variety, though both types can come from the same litter. In show parlance, Uno is a "big beagle."
Judge J. Donald Jones, former a dean at Emory University, will point to his choice as the champion right before 11 p.m. Tuesday.
Uno already has earned 32 best in show titles, and finished 2007 as the sixth-ranked show dog in the country. He took the hound group at the AKC/Eukanuba show in December.
A Sealyham terrier with a gray splotch over his left eye won that big competition in Long Beach, Calif. Called Charmin, he wound up as the No. 4 dog last year.
Also in contention will be a neatly primped white toy poodle born in Japan. Vikki has won 83 best in show ribbons and enters as the nation's top dog.
An Akita that reached the best in show ring last year in New York will return. Missing will be James, an English springer spaniel who retired after winning last February.
USA Network and CNBC will split the coverage the first night, with USA doing the second night alone. Frei was hesitant to pick a favorite, though he did offer a prediction.
"What better choice could there be to win America's dog show than an all-American dog?" he said. "A beagle winning would bring down the house."
By BEN WALKER, AP National Writer
Mon Feb 11, 3:35 PM ET
NEW YORK - Barking and baying, a precocious beagle called Uno took his first winning steps at Westminster. Uno easily took the best of breed Monday at America's No. 1 dog show, bounding around the ring and trying to grab the lead out of handler Aaron Wilkerson's hand.
"Snoopy would be proud," Wilkerson said.
A perfectly trimmed toy poodle, a top Sealyham terrier and prize-winning Akita were among the 2,627 entries. The dogs came in 169 breeds and varieties, and there were four newly sanctioned types — the Tibetan mastiff, Beauceron, Swedish vallhund and Plott.
Tri-colored and nearly 3, Uno moved into Monday night's judging in the hound group. While best in show will be presented Tuesday night, the playful 15-inch beagle certainly earned one title at Madison Square Garden: noisiest in show.
Uno sounded off every chance he got and clearly became the early crowd favorite, wagging his white-tipped tail and taking a flying leap at one of Wilkerson's cooked pork loin treats.
"He was being his merry little hound self," Wilkerson said.
While the movie "Underdog" was a big winner last year, a beagle is always a long shot on the Garden's green carpet.
The best in show award has been presented 100 times by the Westminster Kennel Club and a beagle has never won. Part of the problem is the breed's engaging, friendly nature.
"Great show dogs often have an air about them. It's like this is their world and we're just living in it," Westminster TV host David Frei said. "But beagles want to be in our world."
They also have another disadvantage: They're far from the fancy-cut, froufrou dogs that often win.
"To some, a beagle may not look as spectacular as the Afghan hound, flying around the ring with all that hair," Frei said.
With pleading, golden-brown eyes and plenty of tail-wagging personality, Uno could break out of the Westminster doghouse. No beagle has even won the hound group since 1939.
"To have the general public see an average dog going and competing and actually winning would send a signal that everyone can do it," said Eddie Dziuk, one of Uno's co-owners.
Uno came with his favorite stuffed frog toy and the fluffy pillow he sleeps on, the one with a Hollywood star. His official name is K-Run's Park Me in First, and he bested 12 other entries in the 15-inch category.
Beagles also come in the 13-inch variety, though both types can come from the same litter. In show parlance, Uno is a "big beagle."
Judge J. Donald Jones, former a dean at Emory University, will point to his choice as the champion right before 11 p.m. Tuesday.
Uno already has earned 32 best in show titles, and finished 2007 as the sixth-ranked show dog in the country. He took the hound group at the AKC/Eukanuba show in December.
A Sealyham terrier with a gray splotch over his left eye won that big competition in Long Beach, Calif. Called Charmin, he wound up as the No. 4 dog last year.
Also in contention will be a neatly primped white toy poodle born in Japan. Vikki has won 83 best in show ribbons and enters as the nation's top dog.
An Akita that reached the best in show ring last year in New York will return. Missing will be James, an English springer spaniel who retired after winning last February.
USA Network and CNBC will split the coverage the first night, with USA doing the second night alone. Frei was hesitant to pick a favorite, though he did offer a prediction.
"What better choice could there be to win America's dog show than an all-American dog?" he said. "A beagle winning would bring down the house."
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
blizzards and beagles
I apologize for not posting more this week. Life was extremely busy on the work AND home fronts...complete with a blizzard on Friday! We got close to 30cm in 24 hours. And that, of course, meant hours of beagle fun in the snow.
Here are a couple of pictures of the beagles in the yard mid-storm, and Albert and Arthur running into the house with a fresh layer of snowflakes on their backs.
Got to run - but there will be more posts this week...we promise!!

Here are a couple of pictures of the beagles in the yard mid-storm, and Albert and Arthur running into the house with a fresh layer of snowflakes on their backs.
Got to run - but there will be more posts this week...we promise!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008
it's all ebay's fault!

Every now and then I log on to ebay and search the word "beagle". I haven't done it in quite some time because...well...I've been busy with my three real beagles!
Last night everyone was snuggled up on the couch, and I decided to see what was happening on ebay. Well let me tell you...there was beagle-stuff galore! I ended up bidding (and winning) a vintage ink and paper sketch of beagles that is gorgeous. I also found some really cute beagle bag/purses. Lots of beagle accessories of course (I restrained myself, but only because Adam was sitting right there)...and this thing!
What is it you might ask?
It is a fake beagle puppy sleeping on a dog bed. But get breathes!
I told Marna that she should keep a few of these on hand in case she gets any more calls from people asking her if "she has any beagle puppies in stock".
I'm not even joking...someone called her and asked if she had puppies in stock. Like a dog rescue is a store and a beagle is a pair of socks.
Reminded me why Big on Beagles exists in the first place.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
it's official!
Albert and I headed over to the Big on Beagles headquarters this afternoon to sign our adoption's official!!! Albert is officially ours!
Adam greeted him at our door when we got home with a firm paw shake and said "welcome aboard son!".
We were surrounded by cute beagles at Marna's met Huck in the previous entry, but here are the others! (The only one I didn't get a photo of was Quid, who is 17! At 17 you are allowed to fan away the paparazzi! Trust me, he's a gorgeous guy)
Albert making himself at home with Matty (sprawled out up top) and Darwin.

I know I'm not allowed to have favorites...but this is Violet, and well...she's my favorite :)

Ruby Sue is a sweetheart!

Darwin's handsome close up (you can tell that he is so over being photographed)

And Matty's handsome close up!
Adam greeted him at our door when we got home with a firm paw shake and said "welcome aboard son!".
We were surrounded by cute beagles at Marna's met Huck in the previous entry, but here are the others! (The only one I didn't get a photo of was Quid, who is 17! At 17 you are allowed to fan away the paparazzi! Trust me, he's a gorgeous guy)
Albert making himself at home with Matty (sprawled out up top) and Darwin.
I know I'm not allowed to have favorites...but this is Violet, and well...she's my favorite :)
Ruby Sue is a sweetheart!
Darwin's handsome close up (you can tell that he is so over being photographed)
And Matty's handsome close up!

a 20 year old beagle!!
I have never met a 20 year old dog before...never mind a beagle...until today! This is Huck and man, is he old! But the *sweetest* dog you will ever meet! You would never know it from seeing him that he's such a senior. He wears diapers and has some neurological problems that make his back legs a little wonky...but he's first in line for a pet, loves his walks, and is perfectly happy crashed out on a beagle bed with all of his pals.
Marna is beagle-sitting Huck while his foster parents are away getting married.
We love you Huck!!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
albert loves balls!
The dog park tonight was rockin'! Who knew that Saturday nights at the park are more fun than hanging out at a bar (OK, well, maybe you all knew that...I'm just confirming!).
There were SO many dogs out! And there was a sprinkling of fresh snow, so everything was crisp and fresh. It was so amazing.
Albert found a ball in the snow and went crazy! He gets more and more puppy like every single day. The video is dark (because it was night!), but you get the jist of how kooky he went for his ball!
There were SO many dogs out! And there was a sprinkling of fresh snow, so everything was crisp and fresh. It was so amazing.
Albert found a ball in the snow and went crazy! He gets more and more puppy like every single day. The video is dark (because it was night!), but you get the jist of how kooky he went for his ball!
Friday, January 25, 2008
new beagle tent!
Adam and I do a lot of canoing and camping in the summer, so when I went shopping tonight for a birthday present for our friends dog Zack (he's having a party tomorrow night) and saw this fantastic doggie tent - well, I had to buy it!
We have a smaller one, but with Albert in the family we needed something a little roomier :) And boy was it a hit! Albert is currently snoring away in the tent, and Arther and Stella have both taken turns as well. By tomorrow I'm sure there will be a pile of beagles sleeping in it!!

We have a smaller one, but with Albert in the family we needed something a little roomier :) And boy was it a hit! Albert is currently snoring away in the tent, and Arther and Stella have both taken turns as well. By tomorrow I'm sure there will be a pile of beagles sleeping in it!!
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