Albert and his crew hit High Park today for a stroll and the little dude loved every second of it! He got a lot of attention from passers by, and when people found out he was a rescue beagle he got lots of extra pets.
Most beagles should be on-leash 100% of the time because they really do follow their noses, but Arthur and Stella are 'special' beagles. They actually can go off-leash and do come back. (NOTE: We have been training them to do that since puppyhood...don't try it with just any beagle!)
Because Albert is a rescue beagle he stays on his leash all the time (unless he's in a fully fenced park) and probably will for the rest of his life. As I said, most beagles are never reliable because of their instincts, and Albert's got ALL the beagle instincts!
We got him a really long training lead so that he could do a bit of jogging with the posse though, and he really seemed to love running along with the other dogs. Arthur and Stella went swimming in the stream, but we kept Albert well away from the water. He's had a stressful week...the last think he'd need is panic attack if he fell in!
Stella taking the boys out for a joy ride:
Stella and Albert sniffing:
-Albert was a little unsure of the car on the way to the park. On the way home, however, he was curled up in the back seat sleeping.
-He had his first bath today (buh bye pound scent!) and was great! He didn't love it, but he stood still while Adam washed him up and didn't freak out at all
-Albert seems to really want to be friends with Arthur. After their day out, I look over and found this:

What's on the menu for dinner you ask? Well, we went out to freshen up the wet dog food supply (Marna got us hooked on Merricks wet food!) and all the beagles will be enjoying a lovely feast of kibbles mixed with "Rocky Mountain Rainbow" aka rainbow trout, yukon gold potatoes, carrots, zucchini and fuji apples.
Geez...the dogs eat better than Adam and I do!
As I write this, Albert is busy burying his rawhide with a blanket on the couch. It's pretty hilarious to watch actually. We bought him a Kong today and we'll fill it up with treats later on to see what he thinks!
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