The blizzard of the year hit Toronto hard today...I haven't seen this much snow in Toronto in years! Adam and I have four wheel drive, so we had no problems getting around! Lucky for the beagles too...we took them tobogganing at our favorite dog park this afternoon! Albert had a blast - he was up to his arm pits in snow. The tobogganing wasn't so great because the snow was just too fluffy, but the beagles had a ball hopping through the snow and barreling after each other. We took some video too, which I'll upload shortly. For now you can get your fill with our beagle blizzard photo shoot!!
(nothing to do with beagles, but cute regardless!
Bug and I are so jealous. He loves snow, and so far this year, we've had a dusting that melted just as fast as it fell.
Albert is lookin good! You guys have worked wonders with the guy!
we had a blizzard on the weekend - the most snow in a day since 1999! Albert is a definite snow-beagle! He and Arthur wrestle in it.
Albert is such a gem of a dog. I still can't believe nobody realized that before us!
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