Thursday, December 20, 2007

beagle daddy and his dogs

IMG_2409, originally uploaded by estrojennie.

I took this photo of my husband Adam a couple of weeks ago while we were walking the beagles in the snow. Adam is the best doggy dad you could ever ask for, and I always tell the beagles how lucky they are to have him!

Adam claims that he was raised by dogs and has many fond memories of his childhood woofs. I love hearing him talk about his border collie Terry. They literally grew up together.

With Marna's little Darwin falling ill, it's really made me think about the impact our dogs (and pets in general) have on the quality of our lives. They bring so much joy and purpose to my life, and it's a big part of the reason I wanted to get involved in beagle recueing.

I'm sure I get way more out of my beagles than they get out of me. And if I can help a sad little beagle who's been abandoned and abused I'm happy to do it.

From our beagle family to yours - we're wishing you all the very best of the holiday season!

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