Friday, January 25, 2008

is albert a puppy???

When we adopted Albert there was some uncertainty about his age. At first he was estimated at about 8 years old. Then after a full examination with the vet, his age was reduced to about 6. Well...I am beginning to wonder if he isn't younger than that!

We were at the park last night, and met a gorgeous little 16 month old BEAGLE PUPPY!!!! Anyone who knows me, knows that you canNOT put a beagle puppy in front of me and not expect me to flip out. Well, apparently the same holds true for Albert!

Albert quite literally flipped out when he met Misha the beagle puppy! We have never seen him so happy! He and the puppy chased each other, rolled around in the snow, pawed each was SO funny to watch. Albert regressed to 6 months old! Arthur and Stella were both very good with the puppy as well, though not nearly as playful. Stella, who is usually extremely crusty when it comes to puppies, actually tolerated Misha (probably because he was so CUTE!).

I was very sad that I didn't bring my camera to the park! I took a few photos with my cell phone and I'll see if any turned out, but now that we know a beagle puppy goes to our dog park I will not be leaving the house with the camera!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm also very disappointed that you didn't post any pix of the puppy :-(
There is something special about beagles meeting other beagles. Mugsy, my 2nd beagle was always happy to meet another beagle, even a beagle mix. He was a happy, super trusting beagle until he was attacked by a german sheppard, and two years later by a scottish terrier (he needed stitches both times). After that, he didn't like any big dogs when he met them for the first time (except for his buddies or girl-friends he met before the incidents).
Except for our first beagle with we brought home when she was 8 weeks old, we never know the real age of our rescued dogs. Chocolate was thought to be 2 by the rescue group, however judging by the grey on his face, I'm certain he has to be at least five. In Albert's case, it is hard to tell since he has white on his face. But who cares, they are always puppies to us no matter how old they are.

Mai, the other beagle mom.