So lately bags of doggie food that were safely on the counter have been making their way onto the floor so that a certain beagle can supplement her diet. It happened again yesterday and I was stumped as to how the bag of food could have possibly gone from the counter onto the floor without the help of invisible beagles.
Well...mystery solved. Stella found her way on top of Albert's crate, and onto the counter. And, as fate would have it, the mystery was solved just as I was entering Stella into the 'Baddest Beagle in the Universe' contest for the Beagle Bash for Cash that is taking place this afternoon at 2:30pm at Urban Dog (you really should go!)
While we don't expect that Stella will take the crown, we did think she would give the inevitable winner a run for his or her money. Here's her entry:
"Aside from being the boss of EVERY dog park she goes to, she’s peed on her daddy in his sleep (daddy thought the roof was leaking), scaled the dog crate, onto the counter to eat everything on TOP of the counter, she’s eaten her way THROUGH the fly of a tent on more than one camping trip, she was solely responsible for DUMPING A CANOE with 2 humans in it, she’s peed all over a sleeping bag on a camping trip, eaten glasses and through a backpack (more than once) to get food, scratched a hole clean through a pine door to be let in, went for the jugular of a dog four times her size to stick up for her brother Arthur AND WON, has eaten a cell phone while her daddy was on call and last but not least…Stella has eaten her way through her doggie gated area – that was wrapped in Tobasco AND tinfoil. Clean through!"
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